A little more for a lot less -

Baby Plans!

"Bundle and save" sounds a little tacky, but that's exactly what the purpose of these Baby Plans are - get the most out of working with me and enjoy a discount while you're there! If you're undecided, get in touch and let me tell you all about why you should say yes to a Baby Plan and the benefit of organising one with me!

Contact me for births!




Includes the full gallery* for each session!
Valued at $1,310.00

Early days


Newborn or Fresh 48
6mo Milk Bath/Sitter

Includes the full gallery* for each session + 1 complimentary photobook to include 40 images from any or all sessions within the bundle!
Valued at $2,250.00

As they grow


6mo Milk Bath/Sitter
12mo Cake Smash
18mo Personality

Includes the full gallery* for each session + a complimentary small photobook with each session within the bundle! Total 4 photobooks
Valued at $3,260.00